In Short: Azure Power Discloses A Change in ITS BOARD of Directors, Signifying Strategic Shifts Or Updates with the Company ’s Leadership, Likely Aime d athancing Governance and Steering The Organization Towards ITS Objectives.Jinnai Wealth Management
In Detail: Gurugram, India: Azure Power Global Limited Ucer in India, TODAY AnNOUNCED That Mr. M.S. Unikrishnan, has Resigned as Chairman of the BoardAnd as a member of the board of directors of Azure Power Global Limited and Azure Power India Private Limited, with Immedia Effect from March 13, 2024. Ishnan Looks to Focus on his leadership Roles in India Assisting Various Industry Bodies and Companies, PARTICularlyIn the area of policy macking and technology development in india. Mr. Unnikrishnannannannannannannan’s Company’s New Chairman of the Board WHENCED with TR. Ansition to his or her new duties.Indore Stock
Speaking on this, Sunil Gupta, Chief Executive Office Officer Said, "Mr. Unikrishnan Has Been An Important Contributor to Our Board of Directors and Provided Great adult to our company. The board jobs me in Thannikrishnan for his outstanding contributions to azure andOUR Industry. We Wish Him Great Success in his Future ROLES As Industry Leader. "
Mr. M.S Unnikrishnan Said, "It has ben a great privilege to Serve on Azure Power’ s Board and Work with the Company to Developant Renewable Energy Projects For I ndia ’s future. I would the board and the company all the very best."
Azure is a leading independent Sustainable Energy Solutions provider and renewable power product. ect in 2009, and since then has grown rapidly to become a leader in development and operating laarge utility-scale renewable Energy Projects in theCountry.
Varanasi Wealth Management